Making Uncertainty Our Friend

Life delivers many unexpected events, many of which can rattle us to our core. This feeling of losing a piece of who you are is a common one when facing a life-changing diagnosis, such as cancer. Here’s my advice to remember: You are still whole.

You see, we never really change. We are always whole, perfect, and exactly where we should be. The only thing that truly changes is our perception of ourselves.

If we perceive ourselves as a whole being through even the toughest of times, we find ourselves in the flow of life. We allow life to love us and we can truly love ourselves despite what’s happening around us or to us. Our perception becomes our reality.

If we choose to perceive life as a beautiful gift, we will relish in the present. This doesn’t mean that we aren’t aware of the awful stuff. This doesn’t mean we hold in our authentic feelings and emotions. We become free of the chains of fear when we allow ourselves to be ok with whatever it is we are feeling in this moment. Resistance is a difficult path and added struggle.

In our true and most authentic selves, we are always at peace. Whether that means screaming my favorite four letter word, crying, or laughing. Accepting the present moment opens up a world of inner peace. Here, we are always whole.

Garden of the Gods, Southern Illinois 2021

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